Friday, November 8, 2019

Women Rights essays

Women Rights essays Women rights have gained greater attention with feminist activities and call for liberation of women. The consistent and gradual erosion of patriarchic system is the only way true liberation can be attained. The efforts made for women rights have been impressive but the progress in this connection is still marred by serious issues and ugly incidents. In the Middle East, women are still suffering grave gender discrimination on regular basis. Violence against women is a common problem and though it is also a big issue in the West, in the Middle East it doesnt get any attention, which makes it pervasive. Lack of education can be cited as one of the main reasons why violence continues to exist in this society. We can argue that had lack of education been the only problem, then women in the west would have never suffered abuse. But the real issue at hand is endurance or tolerance of abuse. In the Middle Eastern societies, women continue to endure violence silently seldom raising voice if ever. On the other hand, women in the West have been consistently making efforts to highlight the issue and seek appropriate resolution of the problem. Lack of education however has not been addressed aptly in the Middle East. Women are not allowed to drive in some countries including Saudi Arabia; they are not allowed to vote even though they have access to all modern amenities including Internet, television and cable TV. Education or lack of it thereof is purposely being used as a weapon of oppression and suppression. In every corner of the world, it has been noticed that when a certain section had to be oppressed, it was denied its right to quality education. Education is seen as the catalyst for change and this weapon is not offered to women in the Middle East. How are lack of education and violence connected? This question comes to the mind when we read this article and the related theories. Violence is always a sign of oppression against th...

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