Monday, December 30, 2019

Monetary Economics - 2174 Words

THE UNIVERSITY OF DODOMA A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON THE TOPIC Factors influencing Tanzania devaluation policy in its international trade BY NYERERE, LAZARO – T/UDOM/2010/03542 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2 1.1. Background Information 2 1.2. Statement of the Problem 3 1.3. Justification of the Study 3 1.4. Overall Objective 4 1.5. Specific Objectives 4 1.6. Research Questions 4 1.7. Significance of the Study 4 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Exchange rate analysis 5 2.2 The nominal effective exchange rate 6 2.3 The real effective exchange rate 6 3. METHODOLOGY 6 3.1 Methods of Data Collection 6 3.2 Methods of Data Analysis 6 3.2.1 Factors affecting balance of payments 6 RESEARCH BUDGET†¦show more content†¦These developments forced some of the exporters to sell the stocks at a loss, hence jeopardizing the ability to service their bank loans. Furthermore farmers with unsold crop could not find buyers as companies suspended crop purchase operations (BOT, 2010). 1.4. Overall Objective The overall objective of the study will be to analyze factors influencing Tanzania devaluation policy in its international trade. 1.5. Specific Objectives * To identify the major economic sectors connecting Tanzania and the rest of the world. * To analyze the performance of the central bank in the foreign trade negotiations. * To access the welfare changes of the Tanzanians following the success of the policy. 1.6. Research Questions * What are major economic sectors connecting Tanzania and the rest of the world? * What are the performances of the central bank in the foreign trade negotiations? * How will the welfare of Tanzanians be when the devaluation policy successive? 1.7. Significance of the Study The primary significance of the study is to all actors in the devaluation policy in Tanzania. Analysis of the whole system and identifying clearly the challenges will benefit policy makers and implementers in indicating the area of advantage for what should be done to improve the wellbeing of Tanzanians. The other benefitShow MoreRelatedEconomic Variables And Monetary Policy1478 Words   |  6 PagesAs was mentioned above rising in oil prices influence the increase in inflation. And it is big dilemma for monetary policy, because arise a question what should central banks do? Should they tighten monetary policy to correct the effects of oil prices increases and prevent inflation? Or they should take in oil prices increases with easy monetary policy to support growth of output and employment. In this situation, central banks have these two main problems. The point is that central banks can doRead MoreMonetary Policy On Economic Prosperity Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pages MONETARY POLICY CHANNELS BY MARTIN RIITHO MAINA KCA 14/02073 Term Paper submitted to Dr. G. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Reasons Why Some Thinkers Rejected the Cosmological...

The Reasons Why Some Thinkers Rejected the Cosmological Argument Aquinas’s argument was as follows: If the universe was infinite, it would have an infinite number of days. The end of an infinite series of days can never be reached, so today would never arrive. However, today has arrived, so the past cannot be infinite. Time began when the universe began, which was an event. Events are caused; therefore there must have been a first cause. This first cause was God. Tennant said there are things in the world which are contingent. These are might not have beens because they might have not existed. Secondly, The world is a real or imagined totality of individual objects, none of which contain†¦show more content†¦The idea that the universe was created by natural causes, such as a large explosion, is considered frequently, but thinkers and philosophers would then argue that the explosion could have been as a result of a divine being, who wished it to happen, and this was simply its way of completing its task. However, amongst all the supporting theories for the Cosmological argument, and all those who supported it, there are also many critics and conflicting ideologies. Many thinkers have rejected the Cosmological argument. Firstly, possibly the most influential and studied critic of the Cosmological argument was David Hume. In Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779) Hume asked why we must conclude that the universe has to have a beginning. He said: How can anything that exists from eternity have a cause, since that relation implies a priority in time, and in a beginning of existence. He went on to say that even if the universe did begin, it does not mean that anything specifically caused it to become. He argued that to make an analogy between the universe and the works of humankind is highly dangerous to the theist since it leads to anthropomorphism. Gods qualities are identified so closely with those of humankind in order to make the analogy work that it removes the divine distinctiveness thatShow MoreRelatedThe Argument Of Creation Vs. Evolution2468 Words   |  10 PagesThe argument of Creation vs. Evolution has been debated for quite sometime. Since Darwin’s theory of Evolution by Natural Selection was published, some of those that thought the world and its inhabitants was made by a creator now began to think differently. Evolution began to make sense, there was evidence of certain types of species evolving (as in the finches in the galapogos islands as observed by Darwin) however, with creationism there was no evidence, it was all based on faith. Although Darwin’sRead Morehistory of philosophy5031 Words   |  21 Pagescities of western Asia Minor (Ionia) with  Thales  of  Miletus, who was active around 585 B.C. and left us the opaque dictum, all is water. His most noted students were  Anaximenes of Miletus  (all is air) and  Anaximander  (all is  apeiron). Other thinkers and schools appeared throughout Greece over the next few centuries. Among the most important were  Heraclitus  (all is fire, all is chaotic and transitory),  Anaxagoras  (reality is so ordered that it must be in all respects governed by mind), the  Pluralists  and  Atomists  (theRead MoreSwami Vivekananda14669 Words   |  59 Pagesalways been in Narendras nature to test something thoroughly before he could accept it. He tested Ramakrishna to the maximum, but the master was patient, forgiving, humorous and full of love. He never asked Narendra to abandon reason, and he faced all of Narendras arguments and examinations with infinite patience. In time, Narendra accepted Ramakrishna, and while he accepted, his acceptance was whole-hearted. While Ramakrishna predominantly taught duality and Bhakti to his other disciples, he taughtRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38421 Words   |  154 Pagessomething today, that means it must by definition already be obsolete.† Our general relationship with the present accelerating rate of change reminds me of the postcard from the patient on holiday to his psychiatrist at home: â€Å"Having a wonderful time. Why?† The difficulty in recognizing change even when you fall into it, and the consequent off-the-cuff variety of forecasting that prevails, is, like most things (as I’ve just said), a matter of context. If you’re looking to assess the future performanceRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38427 Words   |  154 Pagessomething today, that means it must by definition already be obsolete.† Our general relationship with the present accelerating rate of change reminds me of the postcard from the patient on holiday to his psychiatrist at home: â€Å"Having a wonderful time. Why?† The difficulty in recognizing change even when you fall into it, and the consequent off-the-cuff variety of forecasting that prevails, is, like most things (as I’ve just said), a matter of context. If you’re looking to assess the future performance

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The American Industial Revolution Period Free Essays

The growth in large-scale industry and labor unions in the second half of the nineteenth century can be explained in many ways. Unlike earlier in the century, now there were broad markets, fast expansion in good economic times, thus causing a rise in demand for more goods. Additionally, new inventions with development in big business caused large scale industrialization to become possible. We will write a custom essay sample on The American Industial Revolution Period or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lastly, companies† ability to employ mass numbers of people to work in their factories for cheap further encouraged industries† growth. With companies hiring people to do hard work for cheap, labor unions form. Generally, as industries grew and grew the working conditions for the workers got worse and worse, encouraging an increase and growth of labor unions. America was a growing country. The expansion west needed industrial recourses. The railroad itself encouraged the industries of steel, coal, wood, glass and rubber. The expansion west was not the only thing that encouraged the growth of industry, good economic times and a rise in population fueled the growth of industry. People would want more â€Å"stuff† and houses would need to be built as well as highrise buildings in urban centers to accommodate the density of people in the cities. All these factors caused a rise in demand for industrial goods in a large market. There is more reason, though, that large-scale industries were growing. New inventions helped a great deal in making the large-scale manufacturing of industrial goods possible. The Bessemer process, for example, helped the manufacturing of steel in the steel industry, made it possible to produce large quantities of steel in a relatively short period of time. The invention of electric power by Thomas Edison allowed factory machinery to be run by electricity, cutting the cost of employing people to run the machinery while increasing the productivity of the machines. Always increasing productivity, these inventions and others like it were essential to progression of big industry. these were harnessed and effectively put into use by big businesses. Big businesses were the economic powers behind the growth of their industries. With corporations, unlike earlier, businesses could outlive their founders so that they could be allowed to thrive without having to worry and the death of the founder because with shares in the stock market, people could own parts of the company, there was never one person who was the sole owner. Additionally, in the late nineteenth century, there weren†t regulations which allowed the businesses to grow in ways which it wouldn†t be allowed to grow today. Often times, vertical integration allowed several types of industries to be grouped under one big company thus securing their operation. All these things helped the businesses prosper. Since the big businesses were behind the large-scale industries, the industries prospered too. Essential to the growth of large scale industry are the workers. Between 1870 and 1890, 8 million immigrants came to America for a better life, they ended up working in factories. Unlike the native workers, the immigrants were willing to work for cheap. This let the industry cut the cost of employing workers, in fact, many industries went to European sources to find workers for more cheap labor. The native Americans who, generally, were driven from the countryside got the higher paying supervisory jobs in the industries. So this â€Å"pool† of labor further allowed the large scale industries to grow more. The working conditions in these industries were horrible. Cutting costs in an industry was a big deal. Unfortunately, most of the time, cutting costs meant long hours for the workers, lower wages and requirements on the amount of work you do in a day which was usually too much. Because of these bad conditions labor unions were formed to protest against them, but mostly to force the companies to higher wages, lower hours or better working conditions. Since workers were essential to the operation of the industries, the labor unions often organized strikes to demand change in wage, hours etc†¦ In 1877 when wages for the workers in the Baltimore and Ohio railroad were cut by 20% there was the first nationwide strike that set the path for an era of confrontation between labor unions and management. Often, federal troops and state militia intervened because the strikes got violent and the movement collapsed but sometimes strikes were successful. The industrial revolution between 1865 and 1900 set a period of economic growth. The success of this industrial growth was due to a combination of contributing factors. A rise in demand for industrial goods along with growth in big business were the essential things in causing the growth of large-scale industry. Additionally new inventions that helped the manufacturing of these goods and cheap labor encouraged further this growth. In the big picture, this industrialization of the country fueled the growth of it in area, in population and finally, in economy. How to cite The American Industial Revolution Period, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Data Mining and Decision-Making in Business-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Briefly summarise why Data Mining is used in Business. 2.Identify the major security, privacy and ethical implications in Data Mining. Answers: 1.Data mining in business Importance of data mining Data mining is a process of accessing some confidential and hidden data with the help of software. Data mining helps organizations on taking crucial decisions. Data mining is needed for retrieving information from the piles of database, which will be used for analytical purpose. This process is undertaken by leading corporate houses to identify and gain profitability and competitive advantages (Tan, Steinbach Kumar, 2013). Data-mining in business Data mining can be a considerable help in business as it is used to discover various data, their types and relationship between various data accessed from a wide database. This helps in successful decision-making. It further benefits in developing effective marketing campaigns, which have a considerable impact on business (Shmueli Lichtendahl Jr, 2017). Benefits of using Data-mining 1) Data mining used to identify fraudulent transactions. 2) Data mining benefits in developing accurate risk models that in turn helps in successful decision-making. 3) Data mining helps in improving the quality and safety of the product by evaluating the customers feedback. 4) Data mining is undertaken for improving the conversions, which in turn increases the customer satisfaction. This is done by analyzing the past sales and customers feedback. 2.Introduction Data mining is a process of gathering, using and sharing information by accessing a huge set of databases. Data mining is becoming increasingly popular as it is undertaken by different organizations for effective decision-making. This is popular primarily because of the techniques used in application of data mining. Examples of such techniques discussed in this article are knowledge discovery, neural networks and case based reasoning. Data mining and Decision-making in business Gaining knowledge about the customers or the market helps the organization in strategic planning and effective decision- making. It is a process of gathering, analyzing and storing information on basic of the customers demands and capture market. This whole process is a result of data mining and hence it holds utmost importance in decision making in business. There are different techniques of data mining such as statistics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Furthermore, there are many facets of data mining as well, the most important one being the web mining. Web mining considerably helps in building a proper and effective business strategy by reaching the target customers. Data mining also helps in depicting the market demand and customer behavior. Information about customers behavior helps in producing more innovative product and services customized according to the customers demand. Thus, data mining helps in effective decision making in business. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that data mining is an integral part of todays business world as effectively helps in strategic planning and proper decision-making. Data mining makes use of the companys intellectual assets in establishing new objectives thereby improving the techniques used in business and increasing the profits of the organization as well. In this competitive world, data mining proves to be an important tool for gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Bibliography Tan, P. N., Steinbach, M., Kumar, V. (2013). Data mining cluster analysis: basic concepts and algorithms.Introduction to data mining. Shmueli, G., Lichtendahl Jr, K. C. (2017).Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R. John Wiley Sons. A Research Study: Using Data Mining in Knowledge Base Business Strategies. (2017) Retrieved 8 August 2017, from Rokach, L., Maimon, O. (2014).Data mining with decision trees: theory and applications. World scientific.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Lather, Thats All Theme free essay sample

The central theme in â€Å"Lather and Nothing Else† is that when faced with hard decisions people struggle with their morals. In this story the protagonist is faced with the decision to become a murderer or continue being the honorable barber that he is. The first reference to support this theme is when the barber thinks to himself â€Å"I would have to shave his beard just like any other, carefully, neatly, just as though he were a good customer Showing that his first instinct is to let the Captain live and to give him the best shave he possibly can. But as the time goes on, and the more the captain talks about the killing of the revolutionaries the barber starts having other thoughts â€Å" And it would be so easy to kill him. He deserves it. Or does he? I could cut his throat † Which show that the internal battle to go against his morals is becoming more intense. We will write a custom essay sample on Lather, Thats All Theme or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another example of the internal struggle the barber is having is when he thinks â€Å"I could cut his throat showing that he is considering killing the captain. Then in his next thought he is putting doubt in his mind about it: And what would I do with the body? Where would I hide it? I would have to flee, leave all this behind, take shelter far away, very far away. They would follow until they caught up with me. In the end the barber is true to himself and lets the captain live: But I don’t want to be a murderer. No, sir. You came in to be shaved. And I do my work honorably don’t want to stain my hands with blood. Just lather and nothing else.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Airline Terrorism Essays - Access Control, Airport Security

Airline Terrorism Essays - Access Control, Airport Security Airline Terrorism Whether we would like to admit it or not, aircraft terrorism is a very real and deadly subject. Inside nothing more than a small suitcase, a carefully assembled explosive can bring an ending to the lives of countless men, women, and children, with no preference or regard to age, sex, and religion. In a single moment and flash, families are torn apart as their loved ones become victims of terrorism. As the airline price wars have continued to rage, the amount of fliers increase at phenomenal rates. The airports are filled to maximum capacity with people all interested in just surviving the long lines and finally finding relaxation in their aircraft seats with the help of a cold drink and pillow. Sadly, it has come to the point where one must consider if the passengers should be relaxing. The half a billion passengers that rush through a terminal each year are completely unaware of how much trust they are putting in a small, antiquated machine that scans their luggage. Teams of employees working for the government have been successful in passing through metal detectors armed with knives, guns, and even a discharged hand grenade. Reports Doug Smith of USA Today: The fact that the people manning these machines and airport gates make less than someone at McDonalds and usually are uneducated average Dicks or Janes, may be part of the problem. In most of England, the guards are expertly trained and receive high pay. The issue of sabotage and criminal attacks on aircraft is one that is horrifying to contemplate. However, the potential is ever present and cannot be swept under some political carpet. The statistics as provided by the NTSB and FAA are ugly, and the results of these accidents uglier still. The bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, on December 21, 1988 and another similar bombing on an Air India flight in June, 1985 are forever etched in our memories. Around 1,000 aircraft passengers have been killed in the past ten years due to terrorist bomb attacks on civilian aircraft (NTSB). If the yet to be solved TWA flight 800 mystery proves to be a victim as well, the number soars to over 1,300 (NTSB). The government is aware of the problems, but chooses to act after the fact, despite the countless warnings that precede a massacre given to them by safety experts in the aviation industry. One only needs look at current and past legislation that follows an occurrence. In the next ten years, I believe the likelihood is pretty good that there will be a bombing of a domestic flight. There are too many dissident groups in the world and too many nuts willing to do the unspeakable in order to get into the history books (McGuire). In the book that provides a consumers examination of airline safety, Collision Course, by Ralph Nader, numerous employees voicing the need for improved safety and terrorism countermeasures are quoted. What is so frightening is that examination of the quotations reveals that they are from the mouths of highly respected officials who find themselves tangled in the slow process of instituting new laws to protect travelers by increasing safety regulations. There are two ways to significantly reduce the possibility of such calamities as aircraft bombings. Ideally, security checks would be sufficiently stringent to prevent any bombs from being smuggled on board the plane. Steps are being taken, with passengers having to be matched to their luggage by photo identification prior to departure in the United States. Secondly, a modification of the aircraft should be considered. More specifically, the cargo and baggage holds (St. John). According to the study, Technology Against Terrorism: Structuring Security, by the U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment (January 1992): Explosive devices of the size used in airline terrorist events to date are deadly not because they directly cause catastrophic failure (blow the airplane to pieces), but because they start a domino effect where the aircraft destroys itself. The low level and poor quality of airport and airline security measures mandated by the FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations) have left domestic flights dangerously vulnerable to criminal attacks. Properly applied bomb-resistant materials could save passenger lives in the event of an explosion in

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Supply Chain Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Supply Chain Design - Essay Example Customer service in the industry within which Meditech is operating is a crucial consideration, owing to the urgency of medical operations. Failure to deliver equipment in a timely manner, therefore, places the Company at a risk of incurring losses and losing its competitive advantage. For Meditech to retain its current share of the market, drastic supply chain management measures must be executed (Simchi-Levi et al., p. 18). Introduction Acute competition in the contemporary international markets, continuous introduction of commodities with short life spans, as well as, increased customer expectations are some of the factors that have prompted most businesses to focus extensively on management of supply chains. The mentioned aspects, coupled with constant progress in procurement and communications technologies, also motivate the uninterrupted development of supply chains and techniques for their effective management. In an ordinary chain of supply, manufacturers procure raw material s, produce commodities and ship them to warehouses for transitional storage, later shipping the products to customers or retailers. This is not any different from the procedure followed by Meditech. However, logistical problems are bound to occur in a supply chain, warranting better management of the interactions between suppliers, manufacturing departments, storage facilities, and retail outlets. Problems may also arise in management of raw materials, work-in-process (WIP) inventory, as well as, the inventory of finished products (Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, and Simchi-Levi, 2003 p.1). This paper seeks to establish these problems in Meditech’s context and propose possible solutions. Problems in Introduction of new products The chain of development is a series of processes and activities linked to introduction of new products. This chain encompasses the design stage, the related abilities and information that must be developed within a company, sourcing decisions, as well as, plan s for production. Meditech decided to adopt a unique development chain over the past few years. This strategy involves constant introduction of innovative products into the surgical instruments market, by primarily updating the existing ones. Even though the new products are generally accepted in the market, each introduction appeared to bring about a wide array of supply troubles (Simchi-Levi et al., p. 22). For instance, customers began to get tired of the low quality service accompanying each new product introduction. The Company also constantly suffered acute shortages with each product launch. Demand forecasting became increasingly difficult for Meditech, and to make matters worse, establishing the extent of damage was hard. Additionally, irrespective of the high inventory levels, the actual level of service declined sharply, largely undermining the Company’s objectives. Overall, the principal problems faced by Meditech include lack of communication between the marketing department and the procurement department, as well as, constant introduction of innovative products, which had a significant impact on the production line. Further, the supply chain management process jammed up, delaying the release of customers’ orders. Problem Drivers One of the potential causes of Meditech’s poor inventory management problem is â€Å"panic ordering† by affiliates and dealers. This is a phenomenon which occurs when a customer is not sure about timely delivery of products. As a result, the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Legal Systems and Contract Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Legal Systems and Contract Law - Essay Example Vindication becomes critical mechanism to compensate victims for dereliction of duty and examine contract for awarding appropriate damages2. The established clauses for breach of contract in sale of goods are: Non-performance of contractual duties, in terms of delivery of goods at the designated place. In the contract, the importance of implied terms becomes critical constituents of contract per se. They are not explicitly agreed upon by the parties but are implied by knowledge and therefore, legally binding3. The implied term proposes that the agreement or contract enables the other party to benefit from the contract as intended4. In the case, the judge had ruled out that the general rule of the contract interpretation is not as important as the intention of the parties that is manifested within the contract. Indeed, parties’ duty to cooperate is fundamental obligation which entitles the other party to benefit from the contract. Thus, the seller must make efforts to comply with reasonable requests which is not written but implied explicitly orally and by expression. The contract was made between two parties which were based in two different countries. As such, the physical delivery of goods at the correct destination become important factor for the buyer for achieving desired business objectives that are intended to be served by the contract. Delivery details of the goods as proposed within the contract by Metalique are distinct in their date of delivery but not in the destination. The seller was aware of the plans of buyer and therefore, supply of the same should conform to the plans of buyer. As such, it can be correctly inferred that Metalique had prior knowledge of the manufacturing site of Amethyst at Aberdeen, where the goods were required to complete the production of sports cycles. Thus as per the contractual terms and destination of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Strategic value of information systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic value of information systems - Essay Example The ultimate goal of Information Systems Management is to assimilate the utilization of information technology into business models and business processes to scrutinize its potential to attain business goals. Todays in the scenario of globalize market, which is full of large enterprises; the competition is getting tougher and tougher. As a result, IT departments are ponderous to become more aligned with business. There are lot of models for calculating the profitability with the incorporation of information technology but they all are trying to explore the conjunction between IT investments and the company's financial result .The process of introducing and use of new information technology in organizations is based on the skills and knowledge of experts who has the ability to master a series of interdisciplinary skills. Other factors like organizing and managing human resources, long term planning, employment, training, motivation, encouraging creative work and proper stimulating are also significant. Psycho-sociological and managing processes also depend on the working conditions, type of work and area of work, availability of human resources and skills available, working atmosphere, and other factors. It is imperative that the development of information technology department is the responsibility of information technology management and should offer the effective ways and leadership qualities to manage the human resources efficiently. Following are the issues that executives must consider, examine and evaluate while making decisions regarding the strategic value of information systems. Business And Knowledge Management Organizations are facing ever-increasing challenges, brought on by marketplace pressures or the nature of the workplace. Many organizations are now looking to knowledge management to address these challenges. Such initiatives are often started with the development of a knowledge management strategy. To be successful, a KM strategy must denominate the basic necessities and issues within the organization, and furnish the architecture for incorporating all these factors. Every organization has a specific environment and different set of requirements, signified by various factors like size of organization, its aim and activities of the organization, overall strategic direction, accessibility of resources, geographical situations and many others. As a result knowledge management strategies follow either top-down or bottom up approach for the organizations. This main emphasis of these strategies is to provide the architecture for the selection and prioritization of individual projects and activities. Again this strategic focus depend on the number of factors that include: Organizational strategy documents, such as the corporate plan or annual report Involvement of Senior management Results of other strategic research projects, such as staff satisfaction surveys. External market research. 2. Psychological Factors According to psychological aspect factors that leveraged factors of IT development are as follows: Professional contributions of each individual Level of personal professional development and satisfaction at work Communication whether formal or informal, also plays significant role in the development of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Pediatric Developmental Care Plan

Pediatric Developmental Care Plan Running Head: PEDIATRIC DEVELOPMENTAL PAPER Pediatric Developmental Paper Arlena Davis Subjective Clarissa is a 3 year old girl with upper respiratory infection. She has always lived with her parents and, grandmother in the same place. Her parents are mainly responsible for raising her since she was born. However, the child spends most of the time with her grandmother as the parents go to work. The caregiver described the child as calm, playful, hot tempered and shy. The grandmother spends more than 8 hours with the child as her parents go to work at 8.00am and come back at 5.00pm. The child wakes up at 8. 00 am and eats her meals with the grandmother. However, the child interacts with her parents during dinner and bedtime. The caregiver and the child interact well as the toddler shows affection by hugging. However, the caregiver identified the child’s upsetting behaviors including pushing people when she is angry. The caregiver disciplines the child when she misbehaved or went to dangerous places (Burns et al., 2013). Additionally, the parents worry about the child’s safety at home since she likes going to dangerous places. The grandmother finds it challenging to control the child’s movement since she is starting to learn about her surroundings. The parents also do not get adequate support from family members as they only rely on the child’s grandmother. However, they count on few friends for help since they have a large social network (Burns et al., 2013). The parents and the grandmother do not spend adequate time with friends, and thus the small social circle. The father is involved in the care giving role according to the grandmother and the mother. The father is helpful as he assists in feeding the child and playing with her. In addition, the mother did not have complications during pregnancy and the baby was not born premature. The baby was almost 3.2 kgs and 19 inches at birth. The parents take the child for healthcare at different facilities including emergency rooms an d walk-in clinics (Burns et al., 2013). The child has normal growth, appetite, bowel movement, urination and sleep patterns. However, the caregiver claims the child got sick often and she has to call her parents to take her to the hospital. Despite the sickness, the child has managed to learn new words and sounds. The child does not have visual and hearing (Burns et al., 2008). The child interacts well with other people, but the caregiver is worried about the Childs frequent sickness. The family has no major issues and concerns as there is one ill, alcoholic, using drugs or behaving strangely (Provence Apfel, 2001). The family has satisfactory housing and lives in a safe neighborhood. The family does not deal with fear of violence and no one owns a gun. Nonetheless, the family has financial problems and found it challenging to meet basic needs like paying rent and bills. Observation The child has had normal gross and motor development from 6 months up to now according to the caregiver (Provence Apfel, 2001). The child was able to sit alone, stand and grasp objects with the index and thumb finger according to the caregiver by 12 months. She could walk independently and scribble with crayon on paper. Additionally, she could build powers of cubes by the age of 18 months and squat and stand at 21 months. Also, she could jump off floor with two feet. She can hold crayon with thumb and finger and duplicate cross on the paper. The child has also had a normal social and emotional development as reported by the caregiver. The child was able to differentiate the main caregiver from other people and establish social contact by smiling by 6 months. She also played social games and enjoyed playing with dolls. She also showed affection to the caregiver and helped her with house chores and organizing things. Nevertheless, she expressed differ emotions including anger, anxiety and sadness by 12 months. She also found it challenging to cooperate while playing with other children. The child has no language development problems as she can speak and answer comprehension questions well. She has coping and self- development issues (Provence Apfel, 2001). She pushes away unwanted people, diet and objects. On the other hand, she can feed self with a spoon and drink from the cup without assistance. She also helps with dressing. Therefore, the child’s gross and fine motor development, language development and coping and self-help development are at age level. The child’s social and emotional development is below age level. Assessment Clarissa has a normal development in different areas including language, fine and gross motor, coping and self- help development (Provence Apfel, 2001). However, she has an abnormal social and emotional development. She is unable to manage her emotions when playing with other children, with the caregiver and other people. She expresses negative emotions including anger and sadness. She pushes away people, objects and foods she does not like. The caregiver and the child interact well as she shows affection to the caregiver by hugging. The child has a positive relationship with the family members including mother and father. Nonetheless, the frequent sickness may affect the child’s development as she has upper respiratory infection (Provence Apfel, 2001). The family seeks medical care from the emergency room or walk-in clinics when the child is sick. However, the family concerns include inadequate finances to meet basic needs and safety of the child at home. The child spends m ost of the time with the grandmother and she is unable to control and prevent the child from going to dangerous places. The family members have a small social network as they do not spend sufficient time with friends. They get financial and social support from the grandmother and few friends. The family has no history of alcoholism or fear of violence. Plan The following interventions will be implemented to address the concerns and issues raised by the caregiver and parents. Improving the safety at home is critical to prevent accidents. In this case, parents and the grandmother will be educated on the importance of safety at home to improve the child’s wellbeing. Dangerous substances including poisonous liquids should be stored far from the child to decrease accidents (Burns et al., 2008). The home should be redesigned to eliminate dangerous places and hence promote the child’s safety. Adaptations including fireguards and stair gates make the home safe. Further, providing medical care to the child is important to improve her health outcome and quality of life. Different medications will be administered to treat upper respiratory infections including Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and cough drugs. Additionally, social support interventions will be provided to improve the social wellbeing of the family. Social support interventio ns are important in increasing social networks or circles and enhancing physical and mental wellbeing (Burns et al., 2013). The parents and the grandmother will be able to share their concerns with friends and get necessary support. Lastly, the child should socialize with caregiver, peers and other adults to develop social and emotional skills. Adults should respond to the child’s signals in a reliable and predictable manner to enable her regulate emotions (Burns et al., 2013). Reference Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Barber Starr, N., Blosser, C. G. (2013). Pediatric primary care. (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders. Burns, C. E., Dunn, A.M., Brady, M.A., Starr, N. B., Blosser, C.G. (2008). Pediatric Primary Care-pageburst on vital source. Saunders: Elsevier Health Sciences Provence, S., Apfel, N. H. (2001).Infant-Toddler and Family Instrument. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay example --

Ashley Mitchell Professor Perniciaro LIT 2000 3 February 2014 Summary of H. Briscoe’s â€Å"The Scream† In H. Briscoe’s â€Å"The Scream,† a woman and her two daughters, Anna and Mary, are on vacation in the country of Spain. The story seems to take place fairly recently in this day and age. Throughout the account, we are taken on a journey, sometimes through Anna’s eyes, other times through the perspective of Mary’s and the mothers, through an amusement park on a blistering, sweaty day. But there is a twist at the end, and Mary is to blame. â€Å"The Scream† opens with the narrator providing a detailed account of the horrifically hot day in Spain, describing the heat as theoretical â€Å"missiles† and â€Å"rippling waves† (1). Anna, the eldest sister, adds to the horrific heat by mentioning that everything in the theme park was â€Å"manufactured - [with] angular, flat surfaces, and shiny polished metal,† which only added to the harshness of the sunlight (1). Additionally, the three, in an attempt to escape the overbearing heat and crowds, would risk forcing their ways in front of others in the drink line as well as the lines of shows that were labeled as â€Å"unmissable† in their eyes (1). Subsequently, the story kicks off with the mother proclaiming both Anna and Mary to carry a bag; Anna the second heaviest bag containing sunscreen and the camera, and Mary the smallest one, also referred to as a mini rucksack, which housed the money, keys, and other important items. Additionally, their mother carried a large food bag which is described as being filled to the brim. The three were seated on a bench next to a manmade lake when the mother began to walk away, resulting in Mary taking the mothers hand, and leaving Anna with no choice but to follow them to the ma... ...k down to see the rucksack slung over her sister’s shoulder. Anna stood in disbelief as Mary, wide-eyed and innocent looking, apologized for changing her mind about going on the rollercoaster, saying "It was just too scary after all" (11). Anna could no longer take the scorching heat and her sisters grinning face, and fell to the ground in a crashing fall. While the story originally focuses on the scenery and climate of the theme park, the focus shifts to that of the rollercoaster â€Å"The Scream!† rather quickly, as well as the manipulation that comes from Mary, and the mother, towards Anna. The twist at the end is relatively unexpected and pieces together the manipulations that Mary has been planning to use on Anna throughout the story. Work Cited Briscoe, H. "Short Stories: The Scream by H. Briscoe." N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2014.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Background of Oldtown Essay

The biggest kopitiam restaurant linkage in Malaysiais Oldtown Berhad .Oldtown Berhad occupied in the manufacturing of beverages and manage a chain of cafà ©under the OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE brand name. Oldtown using its formulated blendof coffees to served. Its major headquarters is in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. The served areas are Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and China. Its linkage of Oldtown cafà © outlets is sustain by two coffee manufacturing equipment,consist of three centralized food processing centers and bean roasting and processing facilities . Oldtown Berhad is a Public Limited Company. Oldtown Berhad has been created in 1999, with the purpose to output the quality white coffee to Malaysian family and food service industry. Mr Goh Ching Mun and Mr Tan Say Yap, the co-founders and administrator director of Oldtown begin the manufacturing and create their own 3-in-1 instant white coffee. Both of the co-foundershave the experience that more than 10 years in the coffee beverage industry. They were helpful in the growth of Oldtown group of firms. The group administrative director, Mr Lee SiewHeng who was responsible in carry out the integrated vision, plan and growth of the Oldtown group also give a lot of support to this company. Under the ‘OLDTOWN’ brand name for the retail sector in 1999,they commercialized their instant 3-in-1 coffee mix smoothly. The ‘OLDTOWN’ 3-in-1 coffee mix was sold in about 1,348 retail outlets nationwide in Malaysia, about 550 retail outlets in Singapore and about 2,100 retail outlets in Hong Kong in 31 October 2009. They started their first export of the ‘OLDTOWN’ brand 3-in-1 instant coffee mix to Singapore in 2000. In 2001, their branches, White Cafà © Marketing began production as the marketing arm for their group’s beverage goods. They also extended their output line to involve different changes of their instant coffee mix and also extended their export markets to Hong Kong for their instant coffee mix. White cafà © received a HALAL certification from the Islamic Reeligious Department of Perak for the Group’s beverages in year 2002. This is their part of purpose, which is to generate beverages in accordance with the Islamic law. Oldtown Berhad have been achieve the goal that extended their nationwide retail allocation of their 3-in-1 instant coffee mix to cover East and West Malaysia through the main hypermarkets and supermarkets. Their own formulated blend of 3-in-1 instant milk tea  also smoothly commercialized for the retail market under the ‘OLDTOWN’ brand name in 2003. OldtownBerhad has been expand their manufacturing activities and they incorporated Gongga Food in 2003 and begin operations in 2004 to creating roasted coffee powder for the food service sector by using the ownership bean roasting process. Roasted coffee powder to traditional coffee shop in Ipoh and others states in Malaysia have been distributed by OldtownBerhad. ‘OLDTOWN’ is also marketed to the retail sector under ‘NANYANG’ brand in an addition to the food services sector. Oldtown Berhad has been penetrated the export markets for the 3-in-1 instant coffee to cover the United States,United Kingdom, Canada, Taiwan and Indonesia in 2004. Based on the traditional Ipoh coffee shop environment and the surrounding feeling under the ‘ OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE’ brand name, Oldtown has been extended vertically into the food services sector by developing a chain of cafà © outlet in 2005. ‘OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE’ brand in the food services industry is the part of Group’s plan of capitalizing and strengthen. With the same year, ‘OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE’ cafà © outlets has been begin the operations in licensing,supply of beverages and food, others item and provision thread ministration service from Kopitiam Asia Pacific. Linkage of ‘OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE’ have been extended to 137 cafà © outlets involved fully and partially owned and franchised in Malaysia since the first beginning of the first cafà © outlets in Ipoh in 2005 and at Singapore as at 31 October 2009. In 2005 and 2006, they have been fixed their subsidiaries name as Oldtown Kopitiam, Oldtown Kopitiam Kuala Lumpur, Oldtown Kopitiam Butterworth, Oldtown Kopitiam Cheras to focus on managing cafà © outlets in distinct areas and states within Malaysia. Besides, between 2005 and 2007 they also fixed the following subsidiaries as central food processing centre to sustain their cafà © business operations. Emperor’s Kitchen begin operation in 2005, Dynasty Confectionery and Esquire Chef started the operations in 2007. Gongga Food’s business also extended to ingratiate to the procurement of food items for ‘OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE ‘ cafà © outlets in 2005. With the same year, HALAL certification from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the operation of its roasted coffee powder also received by Gongga Food. White Cafà © ,the subsidiary received a HACCP certification from BM TRADA Certification Ltd for the manufacturing and processing of beverages product  in the same year. In 2007, they incorporated Dynasty Kitchen as a allocation centre which begin operations. They also extended their export markets to China and Japan in 2006. Besides, they also incorporated Oldtown Berhad which concentrate on investment keeping and precaution of administration services according to its listing on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. Later, they also begin exporting to Philippines and Thailand during the same year. They also plan to extended their cafà © outlets business to Singapore. Soon, they have been incorporated Oldtown Singapore in 2007 to supply administration services, food and beverages items to cafà © outlets in Singapore. OTK Singapore begin operations in 2008 with the emission of their first ‘OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE’ cafà © outlet in Singapore. Dynasty Confectionery and Esquire Chef, the subsidiaries, received HALAL certifications from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the processing of different food in 2008. Emperor’s Kitchen, the other food processing subsidiary received HALAL certification from IFRC ASIA. Even more confirm their adhesion to international food safety criterion, their subsidiary White Cafà © reach ISO 22000:2005 certification and ISO 9001:2000 from BM TRADA Certification in 2008 in extra to GMP Certification by the Department of Public Health, Ministry Health Malaysia with the same year. They also extended their product line to comprise 3-in-1 instant coffee mix with cane sugar in 2008. Gongga Food also received a HACCP Certification from BM TRADA Certification Ltd for the operation of roasted coffee powder in 2009. The vision of this company is to be Asian Pacific’s guiding white coffee producer supplying a high quality of goods or product to customers worldwide and locally.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Women Rights essays

Women Rights essays Women rights have gained greater attention with feminist activities and call for liberation of women. The consistent and gradual erosion of patriarchic system is the only way true liberation can be attained. The efforts made for women rights have been impressive but the progress in this connection is still marred by serious issues and ugly incidents. In the Middle East, women are still suffering grave gender discrimination on regular basis. Violence against women is a common problem and though it is also a big issue in the West, in the Middle East it doesnt get any attention, which makes it pervasive. Lack of education can be cited as one of the main reasons why violence continues to exist in this society. We can argue that had lack of education been the only problem, then women in the west would have never suffered abuse. But the real issue at hand is endurance or tolerance of abuse. In the Middle Eastern societies, women continue to endure violence silently seldom raising voice if ever. On the other hand, women in the West have been consistently making efforts to highlight the issue and seek appropriate resolution of the problem. Lack of education however has not been addressed aptly in the Middle East. Women are not allowed to drive in some countries including Saudi Arabia; they are not allowed to vote even though they have access to all modern amenities including Internet, television and cable TV. Education or lack of it thereof is purposely being used as a weapon of oppression and suppression. In every corner of the world, it has been noticed that when a certain section had to be oppressed, it was denied its right to quality education. Education is seen as the catalyst for change and this weapon is not offered to women in the Middle East. How are lack of education and violence connected? This question comes to the mind when we read this article and the related theories. Violence is always a sign of oppression against th...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Essay Summer Nutrition and Mental Health

Essay Summer Nutrition and Mental Health Essay Summer: Nutrition and Mental Health There are many beneficial and injurious food choices to choose from now a days. From processed food purchased from a fast food restaurant to organic, fresh food purchased at a local grocery store, which is the right choice for our mental health? To begin, it is important to make smart food choices. In a recent study with more than 1000 women from diverse sections of Australia, it was found those who followed the national dietary guidelines were less likely to have depression or anxiety. When looking at depression and anxiety, the proportional rates of teenagers has doubled in the last thirty years (). Taking note of the studies done, perhaps if following the national dietary guidelines was more accessible and common, the possibility of prevention would increase. To continue, as many good foods are out there, there are also many unhealthy choices. Foods to avoid would contain saturated fats, like animal fat, butter, cream, and whole milk. The reason why these foods should be avoided i s because they affect us negatively. Things such as refined sugars inflame our body and assault our immune system, affecting our hormones and leaving us vulnerable to common and disabling illnesses such as depression. Although foods such as cookies, candy, etc. are comforting and make us feel better, we are only given a short, temporary burst of energy due to blood sugar increasing. On the other hand, healthier foods will provide a much longer lasting effect. A healthy diet is very important to one’s mental health and should contain many things. Sources of protein like fish, chicken, red meat, eggs, legumes, nuts, and seeds are important because protein assists to release the beneficial brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine, which work together to increase your energy level, enhance your concentration and make you more alert. Dairy products such as yogurt, milk and cheese, low-fat preferred such as feta or skim-milk cheeses are important because they contain tryptophan . Tryptophan is an amino acid that your body uses to produce serotonin, a chemical that people who have depression often have a low levels of. Vegetables and fruit are useful because they’re high in fibre and antioxidants. Fiber is important for mental health Asparagus, orange juice and spinach are

Monday, November 4, 2019

Verbal Communication AND Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Verbal Communication AND Relationships - Essay Example According to Hutchinson (2010), communication is synonymous with human survival in the sense that in order to obtain survival needs, one must demonstrate that they are in the need. Citing communication in newborns as a vital element of direct and specific form of communication, the author reckons that communication can take several any level of consciousness and directness. Interpersonal communication as an important form and level of communication describes the type of influential communication that individuals engage in a meaningful relationship. Hutchinson (2010) highlights the importance of interpersonal relationship as a tool that sustains and retains special interactions between individuals who relate at a higher level of closeness than ordinary impersonal communication. Relationships that persist for a considerable duration of time apply interpersonal communication due to the special attachment with which the communication enables them to have. Such relationships as sustained and maintained by interpersonal communication are those that are unique in the lives of the involved individuals. Individuals in the interpersonal interactions are important and irreplaceable in the relationship, usually taking an unpredictable form due to the length in time associated. In this discourse, interpersonal communication is discussed with illustrations of specif ic application to highlight the importance with which relationships apply it. To develop a distinction between interpersonal and impersonal communication would be important in developing the special attention that interpersonal communication is given in this discourse. Apparently, interpersonal communication can be distinguished from impersonal communication by the generation of contextual relationship inference. On one hand, interpersonal communication involves less formal interactions between close individuals as defined above. In the daily progress of human interactions, a majority of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Review of the Literature Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review of the Literature - Assignment Example The theory clearly outlines the population based health strategies for obesity prevention among older nurses including health promotion initiatives (Wu & Huang, 2013). The theory advocates for healthy eating system and proper physical activities practices in preventing obesity. This model of theory also proposes health educational strategies in solving obesity problem among older nurses (Marchiondo, 2014). It also provides a number of health related behaviors in developing public health policies in various health institutions globally (Wu & Huang, 2013). Health education as well as healthy promotion behaviors are some of the research based strategies that are widely used in the prevention and reduction of obesity among older nurses (Newman, 2009). Therefore, the main rationale for the adoption of this theory is due to its wide and broad use in the control and prevention of obesity among older nurses globally. This theory also supports various proposed solutions that are very effective in reducing, controlling and preventing obesity among older nurses (Marchiondo, 2014). This includes proper weight management, avoidance of heavy smoking, adoption of healthy eating habits and regular physical exercise among older nurses. The hypothesis advocates for various behavioral approaches in controlling obesity and adoption of these proposed changes (Weiss, Weisser, & Salario, 2014). The theory provides that behavior changes should be made step by step in order to avoid stress and other destructive conditions among older nurses (Wu & Huang, 2013). This presumption also put into consideration a number of psychological, social as well as emotional coping strategies of older nurses in adopting weight gain management practices. The theory advocates for provision of health promotional interventions through appropriate techniques that

Monday, October 28, 2019

Organizational Behavior-Syllabus Essay Example for Free

Organizational Behavior-Syllabus Essay I. Course Information Intelligence and technical knowledge will only take you so far in your work and private lives. My goal is to introduce you to behavior in organization (and of organizations) in a way that stresses you personal behavioral skill development. In other words, the course should help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and will stress how you can enhance and improve your management skills. To that end, the course stresses a mix of assessment tests for each chapter to give you a personal point of departure for learning and skill development, along with basic theory and cases and role plays to examine examples of situations and skills that we are studying. This is a hands-on course. I expect students to come to class prepared to learn and to participate! Course Objectives: 1) To provide students with knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of organizational behavior (i.e. human behavior in organizations). 2) The course includes both theoretical and practical aspects of OB and is designed to offer introductory knowledge, skills, and perspectives in OB that can be useful for students’ professional and academic careers. II. Course Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course, students should be able to: 1ï ¼Å½ Understand the basic principles of organizational behavior (i.e. human behavior in organizations). 2ï ¼Å½ Be equipped with introductory knowledge, skills, and perspectives in OB that can be useful for students’ professional and academic careers. Teaching and Learning Activities: 1. Lecture 2. In class exercises, small group discussion 3. Team Presentations 4. Final Exam III. Assessment In addition to attendance and engagement in classroom discussion, all items discussed in class including all materials assigned as ‘Required’ reading may be used to assess students’ progress in the class. The methods of assessment include the following: Personal Journal A skills-based OB course centers upon assisting you to assess your strengths and weaknesses, developing a learning plan to redress these and regular reflection about how you can apply the skills and concepts learned outside the classroom. Keeping a journal is the best way to facilitate this. To ensure you get off to a timely start, I shall ask for some specific assignments that constitute part of the journal to be handed in for credit. Examples include the self- assessment of strengths and weaknesses based upon the online assessment (class 2), and other individual exercises in the textbook. You can fulfill the first assignment online at You are required to complete a minimum of 8 assessments. In some cases, you will be surprised by what you learn about yourself – both positive and negative. Each student is required to write a maximum two-page single-spaced typed write-up regarding what you learned about yourself. Final Exam A written in-class exam will be given on May 14, 2012. The format of the exam is a combination of multiple-choice and/true-false questions, and are based on lecture and text materials. Many questions are applied and require you to analyze and synthesize OB concepts. Please prepare early for the exams and come to class with any questions or concerns you may have prior to the exam date. Do not feel uncomfortable asking questions. Other students will also benefit from the discussion. Top Five Take-Aways This assignment provides a final opportunity for you to synthesize and share your learning with the class. Reflect on your learning in this class and write up a list of your â€Å"Top Five Take-Aways† from the course. Explain why you chose each concept, how you have utilized it in your own life, and how you think it will help you in your future role as a leader. There is no set length of the paper. That depends on your learning. You are required to turn in a hard copy. Single-spacing, please. Obviously you will not be graded on whether your choice of a learning point is valid or not. Your learning is your learning. Your grade will be based on how well you explain that concept’s application to your life. Your presentation in class will be fairly informal. Each member of the class will have about a minute or so to share a point or two about your most important learning from the course. It is simply an opportunity to reflect on your learning with your peers. Sometimes hear ing what is important to other people can also contribute to your own learning. Group Project Learning to work effectively in groups is a critical work skill. On day one, you will be asked to form groups (final membership to be handed into me by the third meeting. With your group, you will have two assignments. The first is to develop a team learning notebook, recording team responses to case discussion questions throughout the semester. The team learning notebook will be collected during the mid-point of the course (6th week), as well as the end of the course (12th week) . The second assignment is to conduct a 20 minutes presentation on a topic of your choice related to the topic on the day selected by your group. Further information will be given in class and sign up is on a first-come first –serve basis. If any group member expresses displeasure with group process and contributions of others shall used a peer evaluation form. Each individuals contribution will be identified on the peer evaluation form I will provide and that will be confidential (i.e., your group members will not see your evaluation of their participation). All group members should participate equally to obtain full credit for the assignment. For example, if the assignment receives a grade of 8.5 out of 10 and your group gives you 100% participation rate, then you will receive the total 8.5 points. If your group gives you less than 100% participation, your grade will be adjusted accordingly. Evaluation of your peers should help you maintain an appropriate level of participation from all of your group members. IV.Course Policies Academic Dishonesty: Assignments found to have been plagiarized or an exam in which cheating is found to have occurred will receive a grade of ‘zero’.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Macbeth Reflection

Macbeth Reflection William Shakespeare has written Macbeth using the reflection of the world which he was familiar with as the play echoes the life and interests of the Ruler and the public. Moreover, James 1st was greatly attracted to sorcery and therefore, witchcraft has a considerable space in this play. Also, Macbeth is a moral lesson as the play is demonstrating the price that the individual has to pay for his sumptuous desires. Shakespeare demonstrated just how the total power has a tendency to corrupt as most often great individuals are immoral. In author era the homicide of a King was the most horrible offense as people believed that the Ruler was selected by means of God and defying it is equal to a protest against God. Lady Macbeth is a provocative character as she was able to identify Macbeths strengths and weaknesses and use them for exploitation. Lady Macbeth character firstly appears in Act 1 scene 5 when she is reading a letter sent from her husband Macbeth. According to a letter, her husband thinks that she is dearest partner of greatness. Therefore, Macbeth is deeply in love with Lady Macbeth as well as he trusts her absolutely. However, she become fascinated with the story told by her husband about the witches tellings. In the letter Macbeth is telling her Whiles I stood rapt in the wonder of it, came missives from the king, who all-hailed me Thane of Cawdor; by which title, before, these weird sisters saluted me, and referred me to the coming on of time, with Hail, king that halt be!. Lady Macbeth realizes a chance to become a queen and she is certain that her husband will acquire this. This is proving that she is despairing to obtain the power. Therefore she is unlike other women these times as back then women used to be seen as gentle beings who had a role of being beautiful as well as giving birth. No one regarded th em as being clever or equivalent to men. Moreover, her relationship with her husband was unlike other couples relationships at the time. Although, Macbeth was a man, he frequently asked his for his wife opinion before doing something as she was the first to hear about his promising future voiced by the sorceresses. Lady Macbeth voices Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood; stop up the access and passage to remorse She hears that Duncan is coming and that he will stay for the night in the castle. This provides her with an immediate chance to carry out fatal plan. Therefore, we can recognize the evils of her as she desires to become brave enough to convince Macbeth into murdering Duncan. She asks her spouse to Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent undert which means that he has to be pleasant on the outside and cruel on the inside. However, Macbeth is hesitates to commit the homicide, as he tells her wife that they will not continue any further on this matter. Then Lady Macbeth offends her husbands manhood by telling him that he has to be braver. Moreover, she calls him a coward by telling him that then you were a man, and to be more than what you were, you would be so much m ore the man. It is clearly displaying how devious and controlling she is as Lady Macbeth is emotionally forcing her husband. Lady Macbeth demonstrates her courageous approach in the scene where Duncan is murdered. She was meaning to kill him by herself but she fails when Duncan appears retaining resemblances of her father as she tells her husband that if had he not resembled à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Id have done it. Therefore, this is displaying some kindness in her as also it could suggest that after all she is a woman with certain amount of sensitivity. Moreover, she might be displaying her womanlike sensitivity when she requests for help. However, she is still concentrated and determined to carry out the plan as she appointed Macbeth do murder Duncan. Moreover, Macbeth has succeeded in test of love for his wife by doing this. Nevertheless, Lady Macbeth appears being the greater criminal as she recalls the facts which were unnoticed by her husband. She turns out to be furious when she discovers that her husband has not completed the entire plan as she asks him Why did you bring the daggers from the place? They must lie there. Go carry them, and smear the sleepy grooms with blood. Once again, this indicates that she is very controlling as well as that she holds a lot of anger on her husband. Lady Macbeth argues Macbeth of attiring a heart so white which could show that she hates her husband. On the other hand, maybe she is fearful of a prospect of him possibly deceiving himself. Consequently, this before long pushes their relationship into collapse. I particularly liked the quite of Lady Macbeth where she states that A little water clears us of this deed. It means that as soon as they rinse their hands the guiltiness will disappear. The following day when everybody discovers the death of Duncan, Macbeth must assure everyone that he did not slaughtered the King. Therefore he tried to achieve this by use of an exaggerated speech. This apparently made every person appear doubtful of him. Thus, when Lady Macbeth notices Macbeth doing this she puts her greatest efforts in order to move the attention of her husband through falling unconscious. As a result, the people shortly disremember Macbeths scandal and are trying to help out Lady Macbeth. By doing this, she took the attention away from Macbeth. Lady Macbeth understands that the Crown had not made her happy as she had hoped, Noughts had, alls spent, where our desire is got without content.. Therefore, she became mad person terribly wrecked by happenings. For instance, the sleep walking scene is showing that lastly she does feel mortified as well as regretting her own actions. Whats more, gentlewoman requests a doctor to check on Lady Macbeth since she is becoming further troubled as she is sleep walling. This indicates how all the killings in with she assisted is driving her crazy. After all, Lady Macbeth was the main power regarding the murder of Duncan as she had major influence over her husbands actions. I felt sorry for her as she could not abide her guiltiness and for that reason ultimately took her own existence since Lady Macbeth lost the relationship with Macbeth even though they were once very close to each other. Macbeth has found out that Lady Macbeth has perished. However, he had not expressed any sorrow or agony. Therefore this is clearly indicating that the love has left Macbeths heart. Moreover, the guiltiness and heaviness of her actions has overwhelmed her at last and that is why she died. The moral lesson of this play is that Lady Macbeths evils had cracked her and she acquired help. She at the end of the day mourned over her activities which made Macbeth a changed man. Even though, I could still recall her being bold and horrid. In my opinion, William Shakespeare wanted to demonstrate that despite the fact she was wicked and had great power, Lady Macbeth were tremendously shattered in the end.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mapping The Violence in Colombia Essay -- War, Structural Violence

Mapping The Violence in Colombia The peace researcher Johan Galtung proposes a typology of violence, constructed as direct and indirect, formal-informal and visible-invisible. Regarding it as a triangle, Galtung (1990) states that typology of violence corresponds roughly to the ‘ABC’ levels of the conflict triangle: Attitude, Behaviour and Contradictions. In the first level Direct violence (acts of violence as such) and in second and third level underneath the surface; Structural violence and Cultural violence. See figure below. The ‘Structural Violence’ concept by Galtung (1969) asserts that the structure and culture in societies are a central facet on the explanation of violence; thus, ‘human beings are being influenced so that their somatic and mental realisations are below their potential’. The author distinguishes two types of outcomes of violence: a) effect that violence has; and b) the form of violence. The first is violence manifested on either person-to-person basis (such as familiar violence) or conflict confrontation (i.e. shooting). In the second one, the forms of violence are manifested within society, in its systems and institutionalised practices, and also violence as social phenomena and its constructions in mass media. This will set the basis for the next section to contextualise the multiple causes of violence in conflict situations, such as the case of Colombia, in order to understand the journalism coverage and the development of peace initiatives. I conside r it important to analyse profound violence because of its complexity, diverse variables and causes involved, such as social, economic, political and psychological causes that help to comprehend this society and its journalism with violent and ... ... studies on violence as the following: ‘literary-anthropological (urban scenarios focused on gangs); studies centred in psychological and individual effects of violence (kidnap); analysis of perceptions on violence in all its manifestations, from every-day life; and the internally displaced because of violence†. Violence and sacrifice are two concepts constantly seen in Colombian social imagery; the guerrillas, the paramilitary and political parties propose that it is necessary to sacrifice in order to achieve social goals. Therefore, the sacrifice of martyrs and innocent civilians is justified in either side by demagogic discourse. The notion of sacrifice is also seen in the journalists; the majority of those I interviewed (who were threatened and have been in exile) also exercise the notion of sacrifice for their profession and country by doing their work.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Images of Woman’s Sexuality in Advertisements Essay

Considering the time an average American spends in front of the TV screen, it is obvious that the things he/she sees there influence greatly his/her perception of the world around. The stereotypes media offers us make a great impact of our perception of people. Thus, it’s no wonder that the images of women’s sexuality in advertisements partly form our gender stereotypes. For to get more information on this issue, I analyzed an article by Christina N. Baker, published in the Sex Roles: A Journal of Research in January 2005. The name of the article is Images of women’s sexuality in advertisements: a content analysis of Black- and White-oriented women’s and men’s magazines. This article analyzes the stereotypes of women’s sexuality given in advertisements, the differences of those stereotypes for the White and Black woman. It gives the peculiarities of images created for the representatives of different races, and analyzes the origins and the influence of stereotypes that appear due to the TV and magazine commercials. It has always seemed to me that people in our society share some distorted view of woman and their sexuality. They express the concepts about it that are sometimes totally ridiculous (like that a woman should not express her sexual desires, as it is socially disapproved). Those concepts are very widespread nowadays, and I have been interested for a long time already why people trust those stereotypes, why lots man judge the woman that surround them on the strength of those concepts. Later I understood that the media also have the considerable role on forming the gender stereotypes. Thus I felt I wanted to know more about the specific features of these stereotypes, and, about the mechanism of their functioning. The author developed three hypotheses about the portrayal of woman in media. The first was that â€Å"sexual women will be portrayed with characteristics such as submissiveness and dependency in both women’s and men’s mainstream/White-oriented magazines†. According to the review of literature the author made, we live in a patriarchal society, where man a considered to be superior to women, thus they put the criteria of sexuality for woman. For man â€Å"†¦sexual attractiveness in women is associated with physical beauty. A sign of status for a man is to have a physically attractive woman by his side. The more physically attractive a woman is, the more prestige she will bring to her male partner/spouse†. The woman portrayed in commercials, and on the pages of the magazines is bound to be submissive, as it is one of the demands of patriarchal society. The author also notes that some of the scientific findings hypothesize that the continuous showing in the media of women as submissive sex objects whose main goal is to satisfy man’s desires, reinforces the gender hierarchy existing in the contemporary society. The second hypothesis is that â€Å"sexual Black women are more likely than sexual White women to be portrayed as dominant and independent†. The author noted that despite of the fact that all of the women are more likely to be portrayed as the sexual objects, White woman are seen as the etalon of beauty, thus they are portrayed as the sex objects more frequently than the Black women are. It is also the fact that Black women have always been depicted as dominant towards Black man. It is historically that Black man can’t get a decent job, thus Black women often have to bring the bacon home. This is the reason why Black woman are often portrayed as the heads of the families in the advertisements. The author also noted that the two stereotypes that exist about black woman are â€Å"Mommy† – the matriarch of the big family, and the mother that is raising her child by herself. The stereotype also exists in the contemporary society that Black woman usually don’t have a husband. The author adds that the Black matriarch is that is portrayed as deviant because she challenges the assumption of the patriarchal family. The third hypothesis is that â€Å"Black-oriented magazines are more likely than White-oriented magazines to portray sexual women as dominant and independent†. The literature review conducted by the author states that despite of the fact that television commercials that targeted Black audiences contained about as many stereotypical images of Blacks as did those directed toward Whites, the Blackoriented magazines portrayed women in more active and even aggressive role. It was also that in the magazines for the Blacks women were more often portrayed in the role of the mother than women in the magazines for the whites. The characteristic feature of the portrayal of woman in the Blackoriented magazines was that there woman were rather shown in an extended families than in nuclear one, † which conforms to the matriarch stereotype. † The last hypotheses said that â€Å"black women will be portrayed with physical characteristics that conform to White standards of beauty. However, Black women are more likely to have European features in White-oriented magazines than in Black-oriented magazines†. The research showed that nowadays Blackoriented magazines portray women which conform to the White standart of beauty. The color of skin of those woman is dark, but the features are thin, they are slender, and they usually have long and straight hair. In fact, the only phenotypic difference between Caucasian and Afro-American models is the color of skin. Blackoriented magazines don’t consider the fact that the features portrayed are not typical for the Black woman, and don’t respond to the African canons of beauty. The sexual attractiveness in our society is associated with Whiteness, thus the magazines try to fulfill the desires of their readers. The findings of the article’s author coincide with the results of researches conducted by the psychologists, sociologists and psychologists during the last fifty years. For example, Poe, (1976), and Silverstein & Silverstein,(1974) found that in most of the TV advertisements woman were less physically active that man were, and they were the recipients of the advice given by man. It confirms the first hypothesis of the article’s author, the one which says that women are depicted as submissive to man. The persuasion is that the woman has to be weak for to be attractive.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Problem identification and formulation styles in Walmarts organization

Problem identification and formulation styles in Walmarts organization In the current work environment, it is of essence for leaders of organizations to apply various problem identification and formulation styles as they assist in quick and efficient solving of problems in organizations. At Walmarts organization, the management practices four different decision making styles.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Problem identification and formulation styles in Walmarts organization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More First, is collective participative decision making style in which the manager collects all the relevant information needed and other viewpoints from the members of the company; however, he or she maintains the control of the decision to be made and is responsible for the final course of action taken (Verma, 2009). The advantage of this decision making style is that there is a sense of involvement which can cushion against potential negative impacts and this strategy also enables th e manager to be well informed before making a decision. Further, the most favorable aspect of the collective participative decision style is that it can be used to identity and solve the new reality that is currently facing Walmarts organization: its clients need more than just the lowest price. Thus, the strategy can be used to improve the organization’s services to its clients. Nonetheless, a major weakness of this decision making style is that it can be slow and time intensive process, especially when the organization is large. Second, is the autocratic decision making style in which the manager is held accountable for the final course taken and his or her own inclinations and knowledge are used to make the final decision (Lussier, 2008). In this case, the manager does not seek for viewpoints from the members of the organization since the responsibility is wholly endowed upon him or her. A major strength of this style is that it is important in emergencies since it is a qu ick way of reaching at conclusions. On the other hand, its major weakness is that the members are not incorporated and they can be offended by the choice made if they are negatively impacted; consequently, this can make the manager to lose support and credibility. A problem that can be identified and described using this style is a situation in which a manager at Walmart decides to give back a client his money after complaining bitterly about a product he bought at the store. Third, is the democratic decision making style in which the manager transfers the responsibility of making a decision to the group and votes are cast to determine the course of action to be taken judging from the choice with the highest votes. The main advantage of this style is that the decision is made fast and all the members are included in the process. However, there may be no responsibility taken for the course of action preferred since the manager is not accountable and the members can claim that they di d not support the choice made. Nonetheless, this style can be useful in describing a decision taken to introduce Walmart’s new advertising motto, â€Å"Save Money Live Better,† to replace the previous motto.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lastly, consensus decision making style incorporates the participation of every member of the organization and the manager is no longer responsible for the course of action taken and its impacts since he or she transfers control to the members of the group. In favor of this style is that it allows for group dedication, team spirit, and varied ideas to be shared that increases the chances of a good decision to be made. A major inhibitory factor here is that the vast amount of information collected and input involved may make the process to be tiresome and time consuming. A problem that can be addressed favorably by t his style is a situation in which some employees at Walmart are to be moved to one of its new stores in a low-income area. Reference List Lussier, R. N. (2008). Management fundamentals: concepts, applications, skill  development. Mason, OH : South-Western/Cengage Learning. Verma, D. (2009). Decision-making style: social and creative dimension. New Delhi: Global India Publications.